Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day One: August 1, 2012 So after a 5 day binge of eating nothing but tortilla chips and guacamole, chocolate cake at 2am and drinking a combination of drinks that well, don't mix well together and feeling like this - I have decided....enough. Of course, 2 weeks before the company trip to Mexico, I tae-bo'd every night, I ate as clean as possible and I lost a little weight but that kind of "hurry up because you're leaving in two weeks" attitude that I've always adopted has got to stop. I need to be fit, at all times, for all trips, so that I don't have to put the pressure on myself that ultimately breaks me down. Well, here I am. With a crumbling of my life and things around me, I need to get it together. Now. For fear that if I don't now, it will never happen. Work in Progress has always been relevant. I have always been a work in progress, trying to forget the past instead of dealing with it, doing things along the way that I shouldn't have done, screwing up relationships I probably shouldn't have, making the wrong decisions...the reasons for this blog are endless. I need to be held accountable for what I do..I need people to realize that whatever they have gone through in the past, they can persevere. Although...I need to first figure that one out myself. I want this blog to start out as a "hopeful" blog and end as one that's inspirational. That is my goal. That if I can do this, then you will be able to too. That's it for now. Work is calling...till later on. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Cliche? Get over it. Love and light, Courtney

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